Tocht Naar de Dalen Van Den Kinaboom (Peru) de Aarde En Haar Volken, 1873 (Dutch Edition)
By Paul Marcoy
Peru in the Guano Age: Being a Short Account of a Recent Visit to the Guano Deposits, with Some Reflections On the Money They Have Produced and the Uses to Which It Has Been Applied
By Alexander James Duffield
Michelangelo and Raphael in the Vatican: With Botticelli-Perugino-Signorelli-Ghirlandaio and Rosselli
By Array
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition
By Robert B. Cialdini
Personal Reminiscences in Book Making – and Some Short Stories
By R. M. (Robert Michael) Ballantyne
My Doctor Book A Personal Medical Records Organizer – WINNER of TODAY’S CAREGIVER Caregiver Friendly Award 2012
By Mary E. Carlton
Personal Recollections of the War of 1861 – As Private, Sergeant and Lieutenant in the Sixty-First Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry
By Charles Augustus Fuller
Personal Recollections of the Civil War, By One Who Took Part in It As a Private, Soldier in the 21St Volunteer Regiment, of Infantry from Massachusetts (Classic Reprint)
By James Madison Stone
Personal recollections of Chickamauga. A paper read before the Ohio commandery of the Military order of the loyal legion of the United States
By James R. (James Richards) Carnahan b. 1840
Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham Men
By Eliezer Edwards