Product Description
Part I, Trench Ballads, consists of forty American sol dier poems of America sparticipation in the AV orld War, 1917-19, based entirely on actual facts and in cidents, and almost exclusively on my own personal experiences and observations, when a private in Com pany G, 16th I nfantry, First Division, of the A meri can Expeditionary Forces in France. Part II, Pre war Poems, consists of three sets of verses written just before the active entry of America in the war, and appertaining to, but not an integral part of, it, and therefore grouped separately. Part III, Other Poems, contains those of a general and non-military character. It is highly desirable the Notes at the end of this volume should be consulted, and that it berea lized that with few exceptions, all these Trench Ballads were written in France, many scribbled on odd pieces of paper or on old envelopes in the trenches themselves, and consequently, when present locality is intimated, it is always France, that is to say, from the standpoint that I am speaking in and from the seat of operations. For example, when I use the term over here, it really means what the people at home in America would call over there.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don’t occur in the book.)

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