Product Description
The Drawing-room in a biggish suburban villa The furniture, c., are in middling taste. EDGAR TIMBRELL, an ordinary young man of nearly thirty in neat tweeds is sprawling self-consciously on the sofa. ADA and SHEILA are opening a parcel. They are the ordinary middle-class young women who might develop in all manner of unexpected ways and usually do not. SHEILA. Come and look, Edgar. ADA. He sonly pretending not to care. SHEILA. Lend me your knife. S he takes it from him and cuts the string. I brought this over without opening it just to let you see it too. EDGAR. For Heaven ssake remember who sent them all. SHEILA. It sall right. Ada skeeping a list. EDGAR. Well, get all the fun out of it you can. You wont often have the chance of being married. SHEILA. O pening the parcel. Oh! how nice! What do you mean, Edgar? Ive had lots of chances. EDGAR. You cant go on having them now, though. ADA. Let me see, Sheila. SHEILA. No, thats why I want everything to be nice. Instead of all those chances I want one delightful reality. A sweet little tea caddy; thats two; the other was bigger. One delightful reality, Edgar. You ve got to see to that. EDGAR. Oh! Ill make a jolly good husband. SHEILA. I wasnt thinking of that. I was only thinking of the wedding. One thing at a time.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don’t occur in the book.)

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