Product Description
What am I? Whence came I? What is the object of this life? and what is my destiny? True, we walk by faith, and not by sight, but yet the eye of faith must have some light by which to see. A dded Upon is an effort to give in brief an outline of the scheme of things, the ways of God to men as taught by the Gospel of Christ and believed in by theL atter-day Saints; and to justify and praise these ways, by a glance along the Great Plan, from a point in the distant past to a point in the future not so far away, it is to be hoped. On subjects where little of a definite character is revealed, the story, of necessity, could not go into great detail. It is suggestive only; but it is hoped that the mind of the reader, illumined by theS pirit of theL ord, will be able to fill in all the details that the heart may desire, to wander at will in the gar den of theL ord, and dwell in peace in the mansions of the Father. Many have told me that when they read A dded Upon, it seemed to have been written directly to them. My greatest reward is to know that the little story has touched a sympathetic chord in the hearts of theL atter-day Saints, and that it has brought to some aching hearts a little ray of hope and con solation. Nephi A nderson. Liverpool, November 5, 1904.
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Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.

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