God: Outlines of the New Theology Based on Facts, Science, Nature, Reason, Intuition, Revelation and Common Sense
Christian Morality (student book): Our Response to God’s Love
By Brian Singer-Towns
The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke
By Jack London
Overwhelmed: Winning the War against Worry
By Perry Noble
Against the current : simple chapters from a complex life
By Edward Alfred Steiner
Against Odds (A Detective Story
By Lawrence L. (pseudonym of Emma Murdoch van Deventer) Lynch
Against Home Rule (1912) – The Case for the Union
By Various .
The Works of Flavius Josephus, Vol. 1 of 3: War of the Jews, Antiquities of the Jews, Concerning Hades, Autobiography, Against Apion (Forgotten Books)
By Titus Flavius Josephus
AFTERWARDS And Other Stories
By Ian Maclaren